I knew about the strict deadlines this year since a lot of parents missed them but I had no idea on the background on why they were finally being enforced and it just makes sense now

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My major concern is what you say… few seems to care about what happens to kids and young adults who most need help.

In Colorado HB 1260 passed in 2023 mandating schools allow privately financed medical services into the school with the child in need. The schools are VERY resistant to allowing these providers into the school. I imagine there are good reasons for this but from the parental perspective, it’s very frustrating. Now when I hear about how schools are under funded and special Ed sucks up a lot of those funds (even though it’s factually true) I roll my eyes out of frustration and despair.

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Wouldn’t it be nice if our country could pass sensible gun legislation so our schools weren’t so (rightfully) concerned about the safety considerations of allowing outsiders into the building?

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